
Lesson Plan Presentation program

Lesson Plan Presentation program was started on April 21, 2018 at 09:45 am at IIUC Seminar Room. The program started with recitation from the Holy Quran. The program was inaugurated by Prof. Dr. Md. Delawer Hossain, Hon’ble Pro Vice-Chancellor and Director IQAC. Director IQAC welcomed the lesson plan presenter & guests. At first he express his wholehearted gratitude to Almighty Allah (SWT) for His kind blessings on all of us. Imparting knowledge and skills to students is the major objective of university teaching. Accordingly, Outcome Based Education (OBE) has implemented at IIUC from Autumn Semester 2017. OBE is an approach of curriculum design and teaching that focuses on what students should be able to do at the end of course/program. Objective of OBE is to develop a Culture of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) in Education. Outcomes of OBE is to achieve Program and Institutional accreditation. OBE has become a critical aspect of accreditation process. Deans of the Faculties, Chairmen of the Departments, Coordinator& Members of the program self-assessment Committee and faculty members were participated enthusiastically in the lesson plan presentation program.\n\n\n156 faculty members out of 256 regular faculty members have registered their name for presenting lesson plan from April 21 to May 09, 2018 (12 days). 11 registered faculty members were not present their lesson plan. Arrangements of lesson plan presentation for rest of the courses and teachers will be scheduled in consultation with SAC members. All lesson plans of a program are to be bounded in a volume. Completion of this work to be completed before Final examination of Spring-2018 Semester. Lesson plans of each department shall be inspected by External Peer Reviewer Team (EPRT) during their visit for accreditation. So, this document is very important for Accreditation of a program. \n\n\nA Closing session was held on May 09, 2018 at 03:00 pm at IIUC Seminar Hall. Prof. Dr. Md. Delawer Hossain, Pro Vice-Chancellor (In-charge) & Director of IQAC was present as the Chief Guest & key note Speaker in the program. The program was presided over by Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid Chowdhury, Dean Faculty of Business Studies. Chief Guest Prof Dr. Delawer Hossain welcomed all members in this closing session of Lesson plan PPP. On behalf of IQAC he congratulated to those who have participated on Lesson plan PPP. He told that, participants are the life blood of this program. Thus, he expressed his sincere thanks to all of them who have presented their lesson plan as on schedule date and successfully finished all its sessions. He hope that, those who did not present their course lesson plan during this schedule, they shall take part in the upcoming schedule to present their un-presented assigned course.\n\nProf. Dr. Md. Monirul Islam, Dean FSE, Mr. Mohammad Riaz Mahmud, Associate Professor ELL, Shariful Haque, Associate Professor EB, Mr. Md. Masudur Rahman, Chairman Pharmacy, Mr. Md. Alauddin, Assistant Professor DBA, Mr. Sk. Golam Mostafa, Assistant Professor EEE took part in the discussion. Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid Chowdhury Chair of the closing session thanked the participants for their presentation.

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